Saturday, January 06, 2007

Awesome Jhb Reunion!

You guys are so precious to me, thank you all for your enduring friendships, its such a blessing to know such awesome people!! And thank goodness we made it out alive from billy the bums, now whose idea was it to go there anyway....??

Rach my love i shan't forget the night in that hecticly-posh club in town, whats it called ..? completely forgot, neways, you are an original piece of works who showed that millionaire a thing or two...he still calling :) And josie, i had to repack in the UK in an awful hurry and i left your CD behind (the car-music-hip hop thing) ..soo sad! no worries though i'll get it again when i go back in august...still by then i probably won't like it as much as i LOVED it before :) Wazzieness, chilling with you was a dream come true, it had been too long, thanks so much for flying up from CT to see me- your a sTaR!! Tumi i want to eat your baby!!! sooo amazingly adorable.. keep us posted on your lookout for jobs.

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